Saturday, 2 February 2013

There is SUN in Brussels!

What excitement - it is February and today we have the first day in weeks with a bright blue sky and in fact real sunshine here in Brussels. I have already planted today those forgotten tulips in the flowerbed in front of my house, in an attack of spring activity. The dogs are lying outside in the sun. Pity, my bloody Photoapparatus does not work.

And I have to think about lunch very soon for the troops, but was in such a good mood, that I wanted to share this happy event, "SUN in Brussels", with you.
For better or worse!!

Old dogs like the sun!

Get out, clean the terraces, plant those long forgotten bulbs, take a mug with lovely hot black coffee and dump yourself for 10 minutes in the sun, simply purring inside yourself as a cat would do. Or a Lion. Live the moment. Life is good!
Cleaning the bathroom and doing those mashed potatoes for lunch can wait.