Best wishes to all of you, wherever you are, for a happy and good, lovely and hopeful New Year!
I hope to come back more often with ideas and opinions - last year was meagre in the harvest of writing and having fun - all a question of good organisation, isn't it?
When I was singing with my old choir last December the first Cantata of the Weihnachtsoratorium by Johann Sebastian Bach, the text hit me like an autobus: Lasset das Zagen, verbannet die Klage! - if this is not the right motto to start the new year, then I do not know what to give you as a message on your way....
Right now I am with the children in the sunny part of the South of France and the last waltz of the Vienna New Years' Concert makes me quite melancholy. An advantage of being grown up and having lived already many a year is that one knows that melancholy is a hint in the direction where we should go and do better next time, not less, not more.
So, after a short bout of dear melancholy, this is the time for new plans and resolutions and the fun of following them or not.
Have you made resolutions while jumping down the sofa into the new year yesteryear evening? In any case there are so many things I want to do, see and read!
In true adaptation of my friend Friedrich's saying: " This life is one of the Best!!!"
And here is the Radetzky Marsch - off we go to new adventures!
Happy tidings to you all......