Flowers - one of the most underestimated and affordable luxuries in life.
So why don't you:
- Buy yourself a small bouquet for your office every week? Or for your kitchen? Or simply for the place where you spend the most time during your day?
Set a budget and just do it.
- Have a simple red terracotta flowerpot with a lovely geranium sitting on your window sill and keep it company during the years?
- Put a simple glass of water with one flower next to your bed?
Please, no big bouquets in the bedroom, as they tend to smell very strongly and if you are not changing the water daily the flower's smell very quickly become something rather unpleasant.... Believe me, I speak of experience. Here again the old word is true: well meant is definitely not well done.
- I am not speaking of money, but please do always buy the flowers in season. No need to have tulips before Christmas, when you can have lovely Ponsatilla for half the price and the tulips 4 weeks later for half the price as well. It is rather like the veggies: buy what it is season and enjoy the rhythm of the year ...
Btw: Changing the water of a vase on a regular basis does help the flowers to live longer. Even topping up is already better than nothing. I often buy flowers in the supermarket and they do quite nicely. If you can, buy two bunches of the same sort and it looks immediately more appealing. As a rule I like many of the same kind together - combined and styled bouquets are tricky and need really someone with a good eye to be well done. Otherwise they might look as bought at the gasoline station to a 50% discount... You do not want this in your house, let me tell you.