Sunday, 27 February 2011

The King´s Speech, by Tom Hooper, UK-Australia, 2010

I know, right now not very original to write about this film, as the Oscar´s are approaching and it has nominations for 12 of the golden boys.
But I went yesterday to see the film and I must say, it is worth all the brimborium and buzz - a great film indeed. Colin Firth in his best ever role, showing a talent, that many of his films had not had the guts to bring to broad daylight (Anybody remembering NannyMacFee???). Ok, in "A Single Man" there were already a good many glimpses of it. But this film is not only psychologically interesting and gripping, the actors are really brilliant ( One can even forget, that Helena Bonham Carter for all eternity is a melange between "A room with a view" and Bellatrix...), costumes and details wonderful - just look at the place where Lionel lives and works. Its details are overwhelmingly good chosen, first of all costumes and then starting from wallpapers to floors, colours, light - I would give one Oscar here for sure!!

One thing I could not make out: Where and Who is our adored Lizzie, Mr Darcy´s Love and Live of P&P??? I did not recognize her and will have to wait for a second session or the DVD, to have a closer look searching for her.
Some sort of irony, her being with Coling Firth the Jane-Austen-dream-couple at the beginning of his career, and now working again in a film with him and not being recognized. Sweet-bitter feelings...

Another thought: Interesting, why such a theme right now is so much applauded? I could imagine, that a couple of years ago, nobody would have bothered to make or see such a historic-costume-drama film about a king who did not want to be king and had to be brave to overcome his own predicaments. What is it, that this is right now such a success?? Any ideas?

In any case: Go and see the film, before the Oscar frenzy will make it impossible for the next 10 weeks to get a place. And, DO see it in english - it is worth the effort...

1 comment:

  1. HA!!! Colin Firth got an Oscar - and we all knew it. Well done!!
