Well, I say! Impossible to refrain from commenting on The Royal Wedding yesterday - admittedly quite daunting to be in the company of 2 billion watching what in the end was a perfect and simple and happy country wedding.
Apart from the millions in the street, 2000 people as guests in Westminster Abbey and the fact that a future king got married, it really was a charming and very intimate affair, a as far as possible "normal" wedding, not really such a hollywoody stuff thing. Who does not with a shudder remember for instance the funeral of Princesse Diana? Elton John and "Englands´Rose"????
This time it felt more true, sincere and happy. If one may mention, it felt like what we all have seen 100 times in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" - a beautiful and happy event, where you and me could have been guests too.
One thing is very important and never to forget in this context: this wedding was a family affair for the world - the british monarchy of all monarchies has the quality (and the burden..) to be our all subsitute family - we all feel, as if we had a right to discuss their lives, their plans, attitudes and holidays - as if they were indeed our nearest and dearest. A President of the Republic has by no means such impact on our private lifes: Who would comment, if Präsident Wulff of Germany would get married, again? Very few people indeed.
Today, we all treat Royals by their christian names and it will from now on be always "Kate" and not Princesse William or the Duchesse of Cambridge - no doubt about that. The peoples of the world have taken them into their families.... for better and worse.
Just remember the outcry and implosion of family values, when Prince Charles and Lady Di divorced, or the real grief and sadness, when such an iconic person as the Queen Mum died. Simply the nicknames are speaking for themselves...
In a time, where most people live alone or in very small comunities, with less and less family ties or emotional perspectives, the royal family and their lives, sorrows, joys and duties brings people together and gives a sense of "us", of belonging. That is what today the purpose of a monarchy is - to give moral, emotional and national indentification. If a country has a monarch whom it respects and loves, the indentity of the people is secured - perhaps not very fashionable and even less political correct to say so, but there it is. It is as simple as that. Just look at Queen Margaretha of Denmark, another formidable example of a real Queen!
For a proof of this just look at the millions of people who watched yesterday, the press coverage, the emotional participation in streetparties, the elation and jubilation at "The Kiss" - a promise to all of us, that we too can be happy and that life is good, after all.
I was really touched by the incredible joy and participation of the crowds, the very contained and discret attitude of the young couple and the most marvelous preparation of this event which does Britain really proud. No other country could have pulled off such a perfect organization, clockwork running and then looking so effortless and relaxed with it. I am deeply impressed and in awe.
Then the simplicty of it all! Westminster Abbey could be cold and unwelcoming - but the idea of putting real trees in the church is of such genius, that this alone is one of the highlights of this lovely day. How beautiful!! The dress - stylish and classy at the same time - not too long a trail, a beautiful old-fashioned veil, a smallish bouquet - no theatrical effects, very down to earth and simple in all its glory; not 24 children running after the bride, but only some little people and her sister. The arrival in a car - it could have been a scene taken out of "4 W&aF", really. The best man, Harry, making jokes and looking more nervous than the groom, afterwards with a broad grin sitting in the states coach home via the Mall. The whole church, all 2000 guests, singing welknown hymns together, as it would be a sunday...
And have you seen the you-tube film about the priest, after the wedding in the empty Westminster Abbey? Is this not lovely?
I liked the sermon of the bishop of London very much. It is so difficult in such circumstances not to be pompous or just boring. He seems to be a man who knows life and spoke warmly and kindly to the two in question. Both looked together and very discreet, no tears and no kitsch coming up. A little discreet glance, here and there, all very familiar and cosy. The Queen being a real grandmother and happily looking on her grandchild - as every other grandmother would. The procession in the open carriages belongs to the royal tradition, but had a natural feeling - as was the appearance on the balcony and we all could read William saying to Catherine before kissing her: "Shall we?"
The going away in a open Austin - ju5t wed - anything more simple and convincing? Also the bride´s outfit for the evening: another lovely dress, no tiara, open hair - she could have been a guest together with the groom at a friends wedding as well.
After a day like that it seems, the british monarchy has had again a Bingo Moment - this young couple is down to earth, happy together, they know exactly, what they have in front of them and decided to make it work. They will do a good job, I think.
If this it not a happy end, that I do not know, what is.
May they live a long and happy and fullfilled life together.
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