Long gone are the days, where every selfconscious lady had her garden and there-in a spot only for flowers to be cut and displayed in the house. We poor citydwellers depend on supermarkets ( not always the worst option if you have developped an eye for possibilities!) or the pleasure of our week: the common market.
Of course, if you happen to live in the country side, there are numerous other possibilities of doing your flower shopping: in the woods for branches, near the roads for Marguerites, Lupines in the sandy woods... But in town: No. No shopping in the public parcs please!
I personally love the flowers, which are in season. They give the year a certain rhythm - especially in rainy Brussels, where the sky has a tendency to wear a certain grey.
In January my first flowers are primroses, snowdrops, going over to wellscented hyacinths. I never buy tulips before Carneval. Soon then in April and May there is lilac and false jasmin: the glory begins. Later in the early summer days the lovely lovely peonies are in bloom ( for a long while now my favourite flowers!!!) and to be bought in the market in huge bunches. They look best on their own, I think - and any beautiful Nymphenburg Vase you should have inherited makes your day filled with lush peonies.
Sommerroses are in abbundance from june and then in august. I love the old varieties best, they have a dense bud and smell beautiful. There are delicate colours to be found from peach to palest white. Beware of the generous display of red roses - the poor dears are so worn out, that it could happen that they do not help to glamour in the house.... The sunflower makes things more earnest and give a hint of autumn. Chrysantemus, for a long time completedly out of fashion are coming back now and I am too happy for this - they look so great in a great mass. In winter the orchidees have their prime time, especially if not left to be alone whilting away, but grouped together, best in one big container with some moss for hiding the roots - they too like company!
One of life´s greatest innocent pleasures: going to the big markets and buying the flowers of the moment in the dozen. Not expensive, too. Right now: PEONIES, roses, and all.
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