I do admit, that I always am curious if I come in a not yet known abode - I want to see, how people live, what is important to them. For me books are a good indicator of the possibilietes for friendship with me - even if this sounds horribly posh and snobbish.
But let books do the talking - they show so much more about a person, than the person would perhaps sometimes let show about herself.
There are homes with out any books - very strange.
There are houses full of books, which are very obviously there only for decoration purposes - dangerous grounds.... To be avoided.
There are houses with overflow with books - very interesting - just keep a view on the themes: All New Age stuff is questionable also.
There are houses where you have a full library, but the Shakespeare goes on the meter and you have all the complete Goethe there, looking very untouched - seems a competition to prove, that one has read it all. But does one have understood what is going on in the books?
And then, finally, there are houses, where books cohabit with human beings - those are the most comfortable homes and make me want to settle and have a good talk through the library... talk to an open mind and a whole world opens up....There is nothing more fertile and engaging than talking to someone about his reads and preferences in books. It opens new views and makes us curious to learn. Many a good read would have eloped, if the talk had not been before the discovery.
I myself love books and have an indulgence about them - never can stop buying them and they come to my house more or less on their own. I could not imagine not reading. I do not like to read on the computer - like to have the sensual touch and smell of a good book in my hands. Settle down, like a dog, in your favourite armchair and go on a journey.
I also am very suspect of films made out of books - sometimes, very rarely, it is a success - but more often not and the imagination of the figures gets spoiled. Which is a pity..
Worst example for bad film on a good and interesting book: Umberto Eco: In the name of the rose. The book is an erudite thriller, full of details and psychological insights. The film is simply crap.
Best film on a book: Visconti´s "Il Gattopardo". I can watch it time after time and everytime you discover something new. Same qualitiy in the BBC´s "Pride and Prejudice" from 1994 ( not only because of Colin Firth!!) - makes you want to read the book again and again.
One thing more: I have always had the idea of reading, if possible, the books in their original language. My favourite reading language is english - far before german or any other language. I would have loved to read Tolstoy in russian, old dream of mine, but I fear this will not be possible any longer. Some things in life we do not achieve. Tolstoy and Puschkin in english translations are better than in german - this I can tell from own experience.
Reading is simply wonderful. I try to instill it on my children - hope I will succeed. They start with Asterix and Obelix, go on to Tintin and end with Harry Potter at the start or their teenage years. And then all is possible.
Once the love of reading is installed, it is not easily to be killed any longer - a treasure in our life, which nobody ever can take away from you.
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