Please, do not get me wrong: I love my children dearly.
But since some 48 h I am alone at home. Something which has not happened during the whole of my last 20 years in my life, really. And I must admit, that it is - until now - very very nice.
There is still quite a lot os household chores to do in the aftermath of the family leaving for holidays, but this can wait - because, when things are done, they stay done. Not like the eternal repetition of cleaning a kitchen, bathroom or bedroom and within 15 minutes, there is again the milk spilled, wet dogpats on the floor, the chairs pulled out, the garbage open, etc - just in the kitchen.
Now, for the last 48 hours, nothing has changed when I have left a room. The sofa is "normal" and not "deranged" - even the carpet looks clean, and I did the vacuumstuff only yesterday in the morning! No need to do it today. The bathroom is perfect, no open toothpastes, no hairbrushes and no dirty clothes on the floor. In the boys rooms, the lights are out and no clothes on the floors neither.
I am NOT cooking. No noodles and no pans; the fridge has been cleaned yesterday and fruit has been bought. I schlepped home several liters of water for ironing, cleaning products and new supplies of loo paper. The dishwasher is almost empty. And I am thinking, what I shall have for dinner tonight: some soup? Or just a jogurt? Unfortunately there are still some reservoirs of chocolat in special places - dangerous, especially in the evening: I will have to eat it rapidly, so it is out of my way.
But: no cooking! No noodles! No pizza!
New is also the luxury of not having to talk or to listen. I ponder around and hear music, if I want to talk to other human beings, I take the telephone and can call - nobody comes in to ask what is for dinner or where the scissors are, and nobody watches "How I met your mother" in 24 decibel. It is quiet. Well, almost, as the dogs are with me and keep me company - they sleep most of the time and there is happy snoring to be heard through the whole house. Yesterday afternoon I was lying reading on the sofa ( DURING THE DAY!) with dogs snoring next to me on the floor. Now tell me, is this luxury or not?
Today I will attack the ironing. And then perhaps mown the lawn - when it does not rain. In the evening, I will watch a film, which I like - no dead bodies, no blood, no Simpsons and no news. I hesitate between "Il Gattopardo" by Visconti, or "All about Eve" by Mankiewicz. My population here would just shout - No.... not that!
No, I will even not watch the news: I cannot help the US getting out of debt and am not interested, if there has been another busaccident with 23 dead in Bangladesh ( hopefully there has been no such thing..)
I go on a diet for news and television! Wonderful. But fullblast Mozart concertos for Klarinette and perhaps later a little bit of Bach, H-moll Messe - to start practising for the new choir season.
I do not go to bed at 21.00, but at midnight. Very unusual, me pondering around. And I sleep tight and well. SO, there is a future!!!
Tomorrow there will be a dinnerparty at a friends house, with all the lonely rangers who are still in town - will be fun. And on thursday I go to a museum of my choice. Perhaps I will even write a post about it?!
Most probably in 2 days time I will have a crisis and miss the children terribly. I will go into their clean rooms and have a sinking heart. After all it is so much more fun having the house full of shouting teenagers, rock music and ABBA blasts, and some movement in the now so well-behaving rooms. And a bursting fridge. Some dirty socks on the stairs. And someone to chat to. And somebody to laugh with.
Still, almost 8 days of "conditional leave for housewifes and moms". Terribly wonderful!
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