Monday, 1 October 2012


Hello to you all!

It has been quite a while, that I have been on this blog and sorry for not having written anything for such a long time. But now it looks, that slowly slowly I am coming back...

In the meantime, my oldest son has left for university, the new house starts to feel like home for the "leftover-children" and me and even the dogs have found their way around.The fat squirrel, that lives in my backyard has got used to us people and has eaten all the hazelnuts from all the three trees, which I have. Right now the chestnuts are on the menu.

Today I had a lovely day off, working in my garden and having enough time to think about this blogs and actually felt that I miss writing! Between the need of finding new curtains ( I am getting there as well), the daily bussiness in the office and the other daily necessities of a family there is pretty little time to write about my usual nonsense.

During the summer I was in Bavaria and have visited the old house - there will be some pictures of how it looks now soon on this blog. And I have heard of some old and dear friends, which makes me think about the importance of staying on touch, even if it is only once a year. Another thing I was contemplating was the great possibilities this rentree has brought in the sense of fashion and the need to sort out some stuff right away - how about the new coats and which kind of boots does a girl need this year..
Then THE DECORRATION of the house - so exiting! I have gone wild on colours and have once and for all decided, that I go with colour. No greys and creams in my house - at least not fot the next years coming. There is yellow, lots of green and some very nice terracotta red in defiance of the dull belgian sky!

Well, all this just so say, that this handbag still has some content to come up with.
I'll keep you posted!


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