Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Thoughts about a Bed

It is so important to have a good bed and a quiet place to sleep - it is the best and most natural way of recovering from a strenuous life, hectic and stress: if you sleep well and sound, you are a different person during the day, whether you sleep alone in your bed or in a crowded way.

Moons over Brussels

First of all I advocate enough space to sleep at ease. I always wonder, how  couples can survive on a bedwidth of 140 cm? When you get every move of the other person into your bones and worst of all, have to share ONE blanket... Maritial bloodbath guaranteed. So one of the first luxuries is to have some space for yourself and perhaps a blanket for yourself as well. I personnaly do not like any artificial stuff and whenever I can, choose good old wool or downs over the cheaper syntetic versions.  What leads us to the holy grail of bedlinnen - of course white is the answer and cotton as well. Basta.

A good mattress is always expensive but one of the best investments you are going to do in your life - just remember, you will spend a good part of the later in this bed! Essentials for me which make all the difference in a bedroom are light, air and quietness - so you can sleep with the window open. You do not need necessarily a big room -  even an alcove is perfect, if airy. It is lovely though if you have a view out of the window if you wake up. I KNOW. Luxury! Remember I am talking so often about being woken up in the early morning by busy birds greeting the new day? So much nicer than having the horrible shrillness of an alarm clock going off next to your poor old head. What a start in the day is this?

A bed is for recovery, security, fun and homeliness, but I do reject very strictly the unholy habit for watching television there - why should one fall happily asleep after having watched several murders and other terrifying things in the dark? No thank you. Definitively no TV in my bedroom. There might be some advantage of working with your laptop there or having a nice telephone conversation, snugly curled up in the eiderdown. If I am not wrong, Winston Churchill used to work every day in bed until midday. Just imagine the country governed by Mr. Churchill from his bed - and it was not to their very worst indeed. But I do confess that when young, I used to hear radio in my bed in the evenings - mostly classical music though. But if you live not alone and share a bedroom this is a pleasure you have to forsake. Only recently I have discovered the bliss of an ipod - heard some concerts on Musique 3 and loved it. Actually  I have asked the children for a smallish radio for this Christmas - and got it! A question of tastes, as I say...

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