A good and very dear friend of mine has created the euphemistic description of "russian sizes" when we are out on a shopping spree here in Brussels. (NO offence here to my russian readers - there have been 3 clicks from Russia until now - yes! I wonder, how you found this blog - would love to know....).
The normal reaction in a shop here is that the ladies do not even consider us worthy to look at : we are both over 1,70m tall and have some nice polstering at the right places. Forget about it. Having the cheek to ask for the availability of that dress in a bigger size is taken as capital offence: "Non madame, je regrette". This is a plain answer to a plain question.
If I am lucky I get a comiserating smile and the good advice to go to the shops for BIG ladies. And then, we walk into Marina Rinaldi and all is (far) to big for us. So, mother nature has given some of us the wrong genes to shop in a french environment. You get out of the shop and buy a lipstick, because in accessories size does not matter - Thank You Karl!
Of course you take the 1295th resolution to live on water and nothing more until you fit in that size - yes, this time. What you have not taken into account is, that it is rather difficult to shrink your bonestructure,i.e.hips, to use the non word, and if you loose those 5 kg, your face will be hanging around your skull like an old cloth.
Another friend of mine, very wisely and also well equiped, used to say very philosophically: "After a certain age you have to decide to become a goat or a cow". I have decided for cow. They have such nice eyes and love to eat. Nice, peaceful beings.
BUT: This does not happen to me, when I am back ( e.g.) in Munich or Münster, and dare the same tentatives of getting myself a nice dress.
First of all, the salesladies are nice and want you to buy something. There is the friendly offer of a coffee and the chat about the weather changes quickly to fashion and colours, the latest holidays in Italy and the difficulty of the quality of life nowadays. They try to do their best and it is fun - out of nothing the kind lady brings all sort of things for you to try on and until then you never really knew, that a wildy coloured skirt or that green jacket was waiting there for you, crying out: Hey, this is what you need!
In the end you walk out of the shop, happy, schlepping heavy and beautifully packed bags, feeling great and chic and for a fairly huge amount of "clothesbudgeting" poorer. But it is worth the while. You are after all not an outcast and there are people who with charm and readiness want you to spend money in their shop.
So I come back to the question of the day: Does size really matter?? Is it not more advisable to fit the dress to the body, instead of fitting the body to the dress? Which should not encourage all of us to indulge in 15 profiterolles/day ( I do not like them anyway) and having for dinner 4 courses and then afterwards a late supper in front of the fridge, just nibbling away on the leftovers.
This is only allowed in times of great psychological distress and then only, if you are one of the lucky human beings, who loose weight when they are stressed.
For me, I have long since learnt painfully the unhappy-happy truth of the sentence: "The less you diet, the more you loose and the more you diet, the more you gain".
So, I take the liberty of loving my food. Which brings me to the idea to write about my favourite cookbooks very soon.
I look forward for those favourite cookbooks - and their size doesn't matter either ;-) Congrats on the blog Jola.