Thursday, 31 March 2011

Some thoughts on Make up

When I started to let my hair grow out white, I had also to have a sharp look at the colours I loved and have been wearing for ages. They had to be adjusted.  Out went the loud and brilliant colours, in came terracotta, a tired blue, my most beloved grey, a soft olive green and  - lately - a very powdery old rose.  Thanks to mother nature, white is still my best pal for all those colours. I have even changed from gold to silver - it just looks better on me now.

The same changes applied to Make-up. Not that I have always used a lot of make-up - I am far too lazy for the whole procedure and as I laugh a lot, speak even more and have my hands always in my face, I simply would look a mess in a minute.
But since I was 15, I have been faithfully absorbed all that I could get and know about the sujet - using myself mostly only lipstick ( ALWAYS - even for bringing the garbage out, but it stops with going to sleep - there I use the Elizabeth Arden lipcream. Not that it helps a lot for those wrinkles around the  lips...) and mascara. Until now, no fond de teint for me, no eye shadow and no blush. More like good soap, a good cream and off I go.

But I have to readjust, I agree. Age is lurking around the corner and in a grey Brussels wintersky you can look very quickly like a ghost/ zombie/revenant, walking around sadly in a black coat, with black boots, a pale face and huge dark eyes making "hhuuuuhhh" to your fellow kinsmen.

So, what to do about being lazy and longing to look fresh and nice? Or at least so well educated as not to expose the world around me to my unadorned features? Make up is there to make us feel better, be better and get better. If we show a lovely and beautiful face, we are armed against all unrest around us. Just imagine, staying in the supermarket ( sorry for always coming back with that supermarket stuff, it is my only outing and chance of getting to know the world) in a long row, waiting patiently for the cashier to taking away your money and there is George Clooney right behind you - catastrophe, do admit.
So, let´s be prepared.

I said already several times, that lipstick and mascara belong to me like toothpaste and a hairbrush, a spritz of a great scent and this grey jacket I like to wear. Several times in my life I had a session with a make - up specialist to be made up - and it was always really a treat. I liked it and found that I looked really good. All of a sudden I had eyes - I was quite surprised, I admit. But on a day to day basis... too lazy. Really. Sorry.

This is no inhibition to know a little bit about the possibilities though.

Here come a list of my most treasured make up things and I do use them, once in a while.

First of all the base. Cream bla bla - you know this already. For getting all those blotches and blueish shadows out of the world I have been now very (!) loyal to Diorskin Nude Natural Glow Hydrating Make-up in "010" - it is covering, but then very natural. I mix it with my daycream and can layer it, where I need it. The trick is, not to use it all over your face, but only there, where needed... This is truly the first make-up I feel comfortable with.
As concealers I have always used two: the simple little concealer stick made by Chanel and the famous Touche Eclat by YSL - simply the best, and easy to put in the tiniest handbag. There are now some 4 shades, so everybody can find his match.

MascaraLancome, in every shape and fabrication. I like brown mascara, it is softer on the eye. Once I had bought a bronze one - it was an excursion in real glamour... A very good and much cheaper alternative are the mascaras made by Maybelline.

Eyeshadow: the colours I like are green, violet, grey and bronze - but I use them very rarely. I have a lovely little box with several colours made by Guerlain, I use them never. But I do indeed use the "Bone" eyeshadow by Bobbi Brown - she has gorgeous eyeshadows, which could worth collecting them for their beauty. A trick I have learned in one of those make-overs is to put make-up on the eyelid, to even out the skin tone. Sometimes this is already enough and gives you a fresh look. She makes also these little pots, which double up as cream rouge and lipcolour - right now I have a soft peach  and it gives me a fresh and very natural feeling.

Nailpolish: I have been told by Susanne that she bought Chanel "Rouge Fatal" which goes very well with our favourite red lipstick, Rouge Vendome nr. 25. There was one polish, which was called "Pirat" at Chanel, a fresh and very chic red, but I am afraid they have taken it from the market - as with all good things..
I personally prefer always the Christian Dior polish, I like the little flat brush and I have the impression, that they stay longer. There is a  beige pale "base" at CD  which was a tip from a professional manicurist and it looks completedly natural. With me a nailpolish does have no long life, unfortunately. Too much washing up and too lazy to put always those gloves on. I prefer to polish the nails, put some oil on them or Christian Dior´s nail cream, and that´s it.

Last but not at least: Lipsticks - I have written a post on them and could put another favourite on the list: Estée Lauder in Copper Glow - a beautiful bronze red, which makes my skin glow and I feel immediately like coming "Out of Africa". Now, as I think about it, Meryl Streep as Tanja Blixen in this film should be definitively on MY Style Icons list!!!

I know, not soo very exciting, my list, but then I want to look better than I do and not painted. War paint is not for me. But one never knows, what will come next!!!

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