"Pièce Unique" - always an Aladins Cave for finding something which has only been waiting for you apparently.
Last time I was there and found a whole bunch of Issey Miyake clothes, in very good condition - told some girls and off they went to have a look!
I myself have been circling a very classic and sober black Tods bag, but it was gone, when I came back to have another look. The more you look around, the more you find... and even in not so small sizes!! SO..
The shop belongs to a very quirky french lady - called by her friends "N.G." and a self confessed fashion victim ( this means, the ideal background for the enterprise!) - she is french, through and through, has been for a long time in the Antiques Bussiness and has opened her premises in Brussels only in January 2010 - and the thing is taking flight now more and more.
One of the very exclusive treats you find here is a collection of the jewellery made by Philippe Ferandis - there are shops in Paris, but here in Brussels it is the only place to my knowledge, where you can find those breathtakingly beautiful and unusual fashion jewelleries - I just love them. They are interesting, very well made and a real showstopper - just put on a little with dress, or if you prefer the black one, hang one of these marvellous colliers around your neck and be ready to face the world. Great!
N.G. told me, that she will start this weekend most probably with the "pre-Sales" - so if you are around, just pop in and have a look. I certainly will do... walking like a cat around the milkpot around the mentioned bag...
"Pièce Unique"
Rue Franz Merjay 167/169
1050 Brussels
Tel. 02 347 48 96
mail: pieceunique@gmail.com
Again, thank you very much :) NG.