Interior Decoration is something which never bores me, never. I just feel elated when I get hold of a good interiors decoration magazin, can snuggle up the sofa and have a good read. After this I am refreshed and would like to start right away - but alas, there are nor will be all those houses to provide for all those pleasures. One cannot have it all: the dreams and then the reality..
So I go on doing it in my mind and until now have not been bored with this neither. The advantage: It involves no costs ( unless in the foreseen future we have to pay to have a right to think for ourselves?) and all is possible - you have always to see the bright side of life.
I have changed houses many times in my life, but almost ever I have lived in nice places. (A dear friend told me once, that I would owe him a new addressbook, if we would keep up the speed of moving - his M-Page was full in a mo!) Not big houses or appartements sometimes, but nice. In my childhood I had the privilege to grow up in a big house with much space and a huge garden. There were not enough rooms for each of us, but it did us no harm to share. I had also the privilege to see and take in many old country houses, some of them now altered unrecognizably, some still intact - with the oldfashioned courtousy and Gastfreundschaft which is a rare relict of olden golden days.
When I started to study, I was lucky as well: in Munich I lived always in a nice neighbourhood, in Nymphenburg, in Schwabing, then more or less on the Maximiliansstrasse and at last in the upcoming quarter of the Johannisplatz. I have always felt well in my flats, as small as they were - and I enjoyed to live in a WG ( Wohngemeinschaft - shared flat) - even if this meant that the chap living with Lilli and me never cleaned the bathroom, considering this to be a girls job. It also meant, that my expensive face cream was shared as was the milk I bought. But the company was great and the fun we had together is unforgettable. The start of a wonderful and still ongoing friendship.
All my rooms and interiors seem to look the same - I have very early developped a style of my own, being more "mine" as the years advance and I see the world. Or at least I hope.
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Entree of House Wittgenstein in Vienna |
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